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✨ Research Overview



Tropical Cyclone

Tropical Cyclone Forecasting

Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation

Tropical Cyclone Center Estimation



Precipitation Nowcasting

Monitoring Overshooting Tops


📚 Representative Works

* Staying the mouse over the screen stops the movement

Tropical Cyclone Forecasting

    Tropical cyclone (TC) intensity change forecasting remains challenging due to the lack of understanding of the interactions between TC changes and environmental parameters, and the high uncertainties resulting from climate change. This study proposed hybrid convolutional neural networks (hybrid-CNN), which effectively combined satellite-based spatial characteristics and numerical prediction model outputs, to forecast TC intensity with lead times of 24, 48, and 72 h. The models were validated against best track data by TC category and phase and compared with the Korea Meteorological Administrator (KMA)-based TC forecasts. The hybrid-CNN-based forecasts outperformed KMA-based forecasts, exhibiting up to 22%, 110%, and 7% improvement in skill scores for the 24-, 48-, and 72-h forecasts, respectively. For rapid intensification cases, the models exhibited improvements of 62%, 87%, and 50% over KMA-based forecasts for the three lead times. Moreover, explainable deep learning demonstrated hybrid-CNN’s potential in predicting TC intensity and contributing to the TC forecasting field.

Lee et al., 2024

📝 Publications

Last updated : 2024/11/18

Choo, M., Kim, Y., Lee, J., Im, J., & Moon, I. J. (2024). Bridging satellite missions: deep transfer learning for enhanced tropical cyclone intensity estimation. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 61(1), 2325720.

Lee, J., Im, J., & Shin, Y. (2024). Enhancing tropical cyclone intensity forecasting with explainable deep learning integrating satellite observations and numerical model outputs. Iscience, 27(6).

Han, D., Im, J., Shin, Y., & Lee, J. (2023a). Key factors for quantitative precipitation nowcasting using ground weather radar data based on deep learning. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(20), 5895-5914.

Han, D., Choo, M., Im, J., Shin, Y., Lee, J., & Jung, S. (2023b). Precipitation nowcasting using ground radar data and simpler yet better video prediction deep learning. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 60(1), 2203363.

Shin, Y., Lee, J., Im, J., & Sim, S. (2022). An advanced operational approach for tropical cyclone center estimation using geostationary-satellite-based water vapor and infrared channels. Remote Sensing, 14(19), 4800.

Lee, J., Kim, M., Im, J., Han, H., & Han, D. (2021). Pre-trained feature aggregated deep learning-based monitoring of overshooting tops using multi-spectral channels of GeoKompsat-2A advanced meteorological imagery. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 58(7), 1052-1071.

Lee, J., Im, J., Cha, D. H., Park, H., & Sim, S. (2019). Tropical cyclone intensity estimation using multi-dimensional convolutional neural networks from geostationary satellite data. Remote Sensing, 12(1), 108.


3D Earth Model: NASA Visualization Technology Applications and Development (VTAD).

UNIST-gil 50, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea.
Phone : +82 52 217 2887 / Admissions : +82 52 217 1180

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