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Drought & Soil Moisture

✨ Research Overview

Drought &

Soil Moisture

Drought Monitoring

Specific type of drought

Integrated type

main Figure.png

Drought forecasting

Short-term (~days)

Sub-seasonal to Seasonal


Soil Moisture Retrieval

Data harmonization

Radiation transfer model parameterization


📚 Representative Works

* Staying the mouse over the screen stops the movement


Drought Monitoring

    Drought is one of the most complex disasters so that its definition is not clear to quantify. We are working on a new drought monitoring method and drought index depending on the user’s interests, which drought type the user wants to see under the consideration of multi-dependent variables with continental scales.

  • This new method and its indices were compared with existing drought indices across the contiguous United States and East Asia.

  • VPIDinte is our primary purpose of reflecting general drought conditions from multi-dependent variables of which target drought type is from meteorological to hydrological drought.

Son et al., 2021

📝 Publications

Last updated : 2022/03/30

Lee, J., Park, S., Im, J., Yoo, C., & Seo, E. (2022). Improved soil moisture estimation: Synergistic use of satellite observations and land surface models over CONUS based on machine learning. Journal of Hydrology, 127749.


Son, B., Im, J., Park, S., & Lee, J. (2022). Satellite-based Drought Forecasting: Research Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(4), 815-831.


Son, B., Park, S., Im, J., Park, S., Ke, Y., & Quackenbush, L. J. (2021). A new drought monitoring approach: Vector Projection Analysis (VPA). Remote Sensing of Environment, 252, 112145.

Park, S., Im, J., Han, D., & Rhee, J. (2020). Short-Term Forecasting of Satellite-Based Drought Indices Using Their Temporal Patterns and Numerical Model Output. Remote Sensing, 12(21), 3499.

Park, S., Kang, D., Yoo, C., Im, J., & Lee, M. I. (2020). Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 162, 17-26.

Park, S., Son, B., Im, J., Lee, J., Lee, B., & Kwon, C. (2019). Development of Satellite-Based Drought Indices for Assessing Wildfire Risk. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(6), 1285-1298.

Rhee, J., & Im, J. (2017). Meteorological drought forecasting for ungauged areas based on machine learning: Using long-range climate forecast and remote sensing data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 237, 105-122.

Park, S., Im, J., Park, S., & Rhee, J. (2017). Drought monitoring using high resolution soil moisture through multi-sensor satellite data fusion over the Korean peninsula. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 237, 257-269.

Park, S., Park, S., Im, J., Rhee, J., Shin, J., & Park, J. D. (2017). Downscaling GLDAS Soil Moisture Data in East Asia through Fusion of Multi-Sensors by Optimizing Modified Regression Trees. Water, 9(5), 332. 

Im, J., Park, S., Rhee, J., Baik, J., & Choi, M. (2016). Downscaling of AMSR-E soil moisture with MODIS products using machine learning approaches. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(15), 1120.

Park, S., Im, J., Jang, E., & Rhee, J. (2016). Drought assessment and monitoring through blending of multi-sensor indices using machine learning approaches for different climate regions. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 216, 157-169.


3D Earth Model: NASA Visualization Technology Applications and Development (VTAD).

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